
Ravel Charles
A variety of hats are worn in the network security world and these include Blue Hats, White Hats, Grey Hats and Black Hats. Each hat group represents a specific hacking group that serves a different purpose in security.  A hacker is formally defined as a person who illegally gains access to and sometimes tampers with...
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The following is a quick post on identifying pitfalls in cost estimation when managing a project. I personally find this concept very useful in my everyday job. At the end, I will provide a little tip that I learned in graduate school. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me! Poorly Defined...
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The following is my personal opinion on what the most popular healthcare attacks based on past events. Over the last couple of years, the most popular healthcare attacks  reported include: Denial of Service, Patient Data Theft, Asset Damage Attacks, and Therapy Manipulation Attacks. Here is how each of them fare against the proposed security model....
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Are you worried about the security policies in your organization? Whether you are strapped for resources or have no idea where to begin, I will quickly outline two security polices that should be relatively easy to implement. I think it is very important to outline security policies for your organization because lets face it, most...
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How Do Computers Get Drunk? They take screenshots! There are two types of screenshots: one that is created by the operating system of a computer and one created by taking a photo of the screen. The history of screenshots actually dates back to the 1960’s. However, computer operating systems actually did not have this feature...
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The following is a quick post that will outline the importance of quality insurance in project management. I hope this is a concept you can carry with you in your everyday job. An important tool for quality assurance is a quality audit. There are many different types of audits. For example, there is financial audit,...
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The following is my personal opinion and experience on the importance of limiting data redundancies and increasing data integrity. The reason why we want a very good database design is to minimize data redundancies and maximize data integrity. In general, data redundancies refer to whether the data in each record is unique. Integrity on the...
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The following is my recommendations for a security model for healthcare organizations. The main goal is to obtain a health information system that is secure, promotes interoperability and is scalable. However, this brings many challenges. For starters, due to the complexity and size, healthcare data is very difficult to process and analyze using common database...
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The following is a quick post on the differences between UNIX and LINUX. I hope you find this useful as many people are confused by these concepts. Unix is a multitasking, multiuser operating system created by AT&T. UNIX is one of the most used server operating system and is almost entirely written in the C...
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In this post we will be discussing CASE Tools. This post is meant to be a high level overview and will touch on topics such as advantages and disadvantages. Three common CASE Tools are Information Engineering Facility (IEF), Information Engineering Workbench(IEW) and Oracle Designer. The IEF tool, now named CA Gen is marketed by CA...
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