
Ravel Charles
The following is a quick post on a DBMS system named SQL Server. I hope you find this post helpful in better understanding SQL Server and Transactions, as this was a topic that originally confused me. SQL Server uses Transact-SQL to facilitate Distributed Transactions. The distributed transactions started in Transact-SQL have a relative simple structure....
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The following is my personal opinion on potential errors in ER modeling and how to design a database: It is very important to stick to normalization and best practices.  Two common errors in ER modeling include data anomalies and redundant data. Lets assume we have a table named EMPLOYEE_V1 that requires you to input who an...
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IntroductionIn a previous post, I have outlined steps to take to establish a security program from nothing from a business perspective. In this post I will outline the important technological steps needed to set up this security program. As we all know, security is linked to technology, so why not talk about what should be...
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The following post is about how I developed an application named Allergy Alert, utilizing Python and various API’s, that aims to reduce the amount of medical cases related to food allergies. The Problem – How Do I Know If I Am Allergic to This Food?Hospitals often lack in food allergy awareness and sometimes dangerous food...
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The following post is about how I developed an application named Smart Vitals, originally utilizing MATLAB and launching in Python, that aims to empower all consumers to measure their own vital signs if they sense something is wrong. The Problem – Doctor’s and Nurses are the only people prepared to take your vitals. Patients often have...
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The following post is about how I developed an application named Text4Care, utilizing Node.js and various API’s, that aims to reduce medical care costs and ease the stress of clinics overwhelmed with unnecessary emergency room visits. The Problem – The Misuse of Emergency Rooms The overuse of U.S. emergency departments (EDs) is responsible for $38...
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The need for security in organizations is growing by the minute. Organizations are doubling down and many are starting to ask questions on how to build a proper cyber security program. If you were interested in this type of information, look no further! I will outline two different perspectives needed to build a program and...
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Whether it is or is not realistic to have a data center depends on the size of your organization and the business goals. Lets be honest here, data centers can be a headache to keep up. There are countless articles published that mention the headaches that companies go through with data centers. More specifically they...
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The following is a quick post on how I would design a secure password recovery/ forgot password mechanism. I hope this is useful to you as you can use portions of this policy for your organization as well.  I would design a secure password recovery/ forgot password mechanism the following way: First, if a user were...
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The following is my personal opinion on MySQL I hope you find this post to be useful as this was the first application I used when learning SQL and database management. MySQL workbench is a good tool to use for an ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram). For starters, they offer an diagram Editor that allows you...
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