
Ravel Charles
The following post highlights best practices surrounding application security. These have been adapted from SANS and touch on general development and integration practices. These are the same recommendations that I use and make to developers in my everyday role when they want to create apps and also connect them to other systems. I have made...
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The following post is an outline on the options you can take to rescue a troubled IT project. This post is something you can apply to your everyday job if you are a project manager. The five options are as follows: Reschedule work plan You can reschedule the project to see if you can still...
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The following is a quick post that should help you understand how SQL Injections work. SQL Injection is a software vulnerability that is introduced into the computing environment when developers create dynamic SQL queries that require user input. These types of attacks can affect most programming languages with any type of database. The following is...
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The following is my opinion on whether or not Uber is a disruptive technology. I hope you enjoy the read. Uber first came into the scene by launching a product that was truly disruptive. Disruptive technology can be defined as any enhanced or completely new technology that replaces and disrupts an existing technology, rendering it...
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In the world of healthcare and interoperability you probably have been hearing the term “FHIR” a lot recently. Actually pronounced “FIRE”, FHIR stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources. At a high level, it is a standard that describes data formats, its elements and an API for exchanging electronic health records. It was created by the...
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The following is a quick post on how to interpret Database Corruption. More specifically, we will be looking at SQL Server. Sql Server is Microsoft’s popular database engine that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to accept requests for data access. There are many types of corruption that can occur. Corruption usually occurs when there is...
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The following post is a quick walkthrough on how to set up a secure password storing policy. In application security, it is very important to have a secure and reliable password storage policy. I hope you fine the following to be useful and maybe even implement it in your organization. When designing an application, I...
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Whether you are looking to go back to school or take a class or two, online courses is an option that most schools will offer you during this day and age. The following is a my personal opinion on Online Courses, its disruptiveness and some advantages/disadvantages from both sides of the equation (teachers & students. Likely...
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This is a quick post to help you in your understanding of Trust Models and how it relates to cryptography. The trust models can be broken down to several degrees of trust. In general Trust model can be defined as “the type of trust relationship that can exist between individuals or entities. For example, direct...
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The following is an high level overview of Cryptography. I hope this post lays the foundation in your understanding of information travels securely across the internet. Essentially, cryptography is the basis of how information travels securely across the World Wide Web. Both end-users, such as ourselves, and large corporations make use of cryptography in their...
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