
Ravel Charles
The following is post that can help you understand all the database lingo you may hear from your database architects/engineers. I hope this post helps you keep up in those technical conversations in the work place! This post will cover: Data Mart, Operational Data Store, Data Dictionary, Metadata, Master Data Management, Business Intelligence, Index, Primary...
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In this post, you will quickly learn about why IT Projects fail. This type of information can be useful in your next planning meeting for retrospective at work! Roughly about 68% of all IT projects fail. Listed below are 8 reasons why IT projects fail: Failure to understand what results the project needs to meet...
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The following is my personal opinion in regards to whether or not companies are able o claim security by obscurity. To level set all users, this can be formally defined as the reliance on the secrecy of the design or implementation as the main method of providing security for a system or component of a system. I...
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During the 18th Century, the Industrial Revolution led the complete transformation of our culture, society and our economics. You may not realize it right now, but we are smack in the middle of another Industrial Revolution. Our Revolution is primarily centered around the Internet of Things (IoT).  Projected to generate more than $2.5 trillion in...
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The SANS six-step Incident Handling Methodology are preparation, identification, containment, eradication, recovery, lessons learned. According to SANS, preparation, identification and lessons learned phases are most affected by company size. In terms of planning for the long term, the steps I would take depends on the size of company.  The smaller the organization, the less formal...
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The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) can be described as a phased process employed for software development that typically consists of the following phases: Design, Build, Testing, Release, Support. The SDLC can be implemented in two ways: Waterfall or Agile method. The Waterfall method follows that of traditional project management where all scope is agreed...
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Since 3 years have gone by already, the following is my personal opinion on the infamous Ashley Madison Hack of 2015. Many families were affected by this hack as well. Therefore, I will attempt to be a bit more sensitive with this post. Background Ashley Madison is a online data service that encourages its users...
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This post is a overview of the operating systems powered by Apple. I hope this information serves you well in your understanding of operating systems. Launched for consumers in 2001 by Apple, it was actually conceived much earlier and was the first ever successful graphical-based operating system. If any of you have heard of Steve...
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This post is a quick overview of the operating systems powered by Microsoft at a high level. Introduced in 1985 by Microsoft, this operating system holds almost 90% of the operating system market share. Windows is commonly references with PC’s. You can usually find Windows in home computers, industrial facilities and commercial buildings. By a...
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The following is an overview of Operating Systems. This is one of the most important topics in computer science and is worth reviewing at a granular level. I do recommend you read this post and let me know if you have any questions. In general, the operating system can be considered the most important software...
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