
Ravel Charles
For this post I will be discussing how you can obtain your core body temperature by using estimated minute by minute measurements of your heart rate. These heart rate measurements can be found in my first post: Obtaining Heart Rate from Smart Phone Camera At the moment, there is not a clear way to measure...
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Modern Challenge To Information Security Statistics show that a large percentage of security breaches by malicious insiders or compromises resulted from attackers leveraging exploits on mobile devices to launch attacks on more sensitive internal resources.  Thus, protecting cell phone usage for companies has to be a priority. Additionally, relying on everyone to secure their smart...
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Summary of Proposed Policy To help combat the theft of proprietary data and the damage at any company, the following will be a suggestion of a new physical security policy. This policy requires that employees use an organization issued ID Card and a PIN Number to access all areas of the organization. Thus, employees are...
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In this post I will be discussing how to obtain your respiratory rate by analyzing frequencies produced by a heart rate measurement. WIth a little help from MatLab I was able to successfully add this component to my overall major project (obtaining vitals from a cell phone). This part ended up being one of the...
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To understand digital certifications, one must first understand digital signatures. A digital signature is one way to verify the sender of the message/document. This is done asymmetrically by using the sender’s private key to encrypt a digest of the original message. The basics are as follows: A message is created by the sender A hash...
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For this post, I will be showing you a model to extract heart rate from a simple video from your iPhone. To do this I leveraged MatLab, and many scientific studies/papers and resources. I used a Matlab script instead of R here because it can be considered the “jack of all trades”. This post was...
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I am here to give you insight into my development of Game Learners. That’s right, I developed my own website named Game Learners that aims to highlight the educational and health benefits of all commercial video games. Below are some of the questions and answers I gave for an interview some time ago. This post will...
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Having spent over a year out of college…..and since my last 4 posts have been about sports….. I thought it would be interesting to switch things up and do a post about colleges! For this post, I used statistics from the US Department of Education and decided to do some research undergraduate admission statistics for...
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With the NBA Playoffs coming to a halt and the NBA draft right around the corner I thought it would be a very cool idea to try and devise a way to predict whether or not a player will have a successful career based on his first two years in the league. More specifically, I...
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With baseball season already a month in I thought it would be appropriate to throw a baseball post in the mix  (Get it….Throw?). For this analysis I am going to explore the shift in the balance of power between pitchers and the batters. I got this idea from playing MLB The Show 2015 (PS4 Video...
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