Tech Joke: Autocorrect

Thanks to autocorrect, some children asked for SATAN Claus this Christmas. Not sure what that looks like but autocorrect has become their worst ENEMA.

Let’s face it, autocorrect has its pros and cons. Sometimes it can be a life saver and other times it can destroy your hopes and dreams. In general, autocorrect has given us a brace and a cushion for us to rely on when we are typing anything. It has helped us transition to smart phones that require screen typing. It has certainly helped me type quickly in classes, submit papers, or even message my friends to make plans. For all of this we can thank a gentleman named Dean Hachamovitch, who created the idea when we started working at Microsoft in their Word Department.

He built this concept based on the glossary, and first triggered it to work when you pressed the left arrow and F3. He later decided the space bar was more efficient as users already used it to separate works.