Tech Joke: How Do Computers Get Drunk?

How Do Computers Get Drunk?
They take screenshots!

There are two types of screenshots: one that is created by the operating system of a computer and one created by taking a photo of the screen. The history of screenshots actually dates back to the 1960’s. However, computer operating systems actually did not have this feature universally built-in all the way through the 1980’s.

The original screen shots only captured the text on the screen (not the appearance) and piped them into a text file.  Others captured the area of memory where the data on the data on the screen was stored. As you can tell, this is a long cry of the screen shots we have today.

The exact story of who invented the screenshot and exactly when is still unclear. However, we can all agree that this feature is vastly underrated and we are all thankful for the genius who came up with it.

Now the next time you find your computer taking screenshots out of CTRL and putting it on your TAB (see what I did there?) try to find it some professional help! Sorry there is no ESCaping these puns!