
The following post is about how I developed an application named Content Aggregator, utilizing Python and various API’s, that aims to simplify the curation and vetting of online publications and content. The Problem – Too Much to Choose From With the abundance of online sources and social media, deciding on what you should read when...
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The following post is about how I developed an application named Sentiment Analyzer, utilizing Python, that aims to quantify the reaction and perception of an audience towards a subject using a popular social media platform. The Problem – How Does My Audience Feel? Understanding how people feel on a given subject can be challenging without...
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The following post is about how I developed an application named Medgibility, utilizing Python and various API’s, that aims to promote cost transparency to consumers in healthcare. The Problem – The cost of your healthcare is not transparent or readily available.  According to a study published by JAMA Internal Medicine, surprise out-of-network billing and related...
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The following is a project I conducted for a company who wanted to created a security council. The real life scenario was given to me below and I was able to to create a report to help justify and sell this need to the President of the company. Background The Office of the President of...
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The following is an example of a memorandum framework I created for an organization. Most of the information has been redacted to allow me to post it. TO: CISO FROM: Ravel Charles DATE: 1/13/2017 SUBJECT: Proposed Laws/Regulations and Frameworks Introduction/Purpose The following provides descriptions of proposed Law/Regulation and Control Framework/Standard that our company should consider...
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The following is my recommendations for a security model for healthcare organizations. The main goal is to obtain a health information system that is secure, promotes interoperability and is scalable. However, this brings many challenges. For starters, due to the complexity and size, healthcare data is very difficult to process and analyze using common database...
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The following is my outline on how to test out a Security Awareness Program. As well, I have included parts of what I would share in that program in regards to physical and cyber security best practices. Quick Overview of Program Physical Security Lessons/Best Practices. Do not keep doors propped open at any time.Be aware...
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The following post is about how I developed an application named Allergy Alert, utilizing Python and various API’s, that aims to reduce the amount of medical cases related to food allergies. The Problem – How Do I Know If I Am Allergic to This Food?Hospitals often lack in food allergy awareness and sometimes dangerous food...
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The following post is about how I developed an application named Smart Vitals, originally utilizing MATLAB and launching in Python, that aims to empower all consumers to measure their own vital signs if they sense something is wrong. The Problem – Doctor’s and Nurses are the only people prepared to take your vitals. Patients often have...
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The following post is about how I developed an application named Text4Care, utilizing Node.js and various API’s, that aims to reduce medical care costs and ease the stress of clinics overwhelmed with unnecessary emergency room visits. The Problem – The Misuse of Emergency Rooms The overuse of U.S. emergency departments (EDs) is responsible for $38...
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