
To understand Health Level Seven (HL7), let’s highlight the issues that plague health care IT environments. Let’s start at the beginning, the government rolled out the Meaningful Use Program which financially incentivizes providers to adopt EHR technology and exchange health care data with external organization/applications to create a national connected healthcare information exchange network (HIE)....
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The following is an example of how to transform a business rule into database specifications. The Business Rule, “an employee may have many degrees” can be represented in many ways. On a broad level the rule explains that an employee can have one degree or many(>1) degree. One way to represent this is by using...
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The following is a quick post on a DBMS system named SQL Server. I hope you find this post helpful in better understanding SQL Server and Transactions, as this was a topic that originally confused me. SQL Server uses Transact-SQL to facilitate Distributed Transactions. The distributed transactions started in Transact-SQL have a relative simple structure....
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The following is my personal opinion on potential errors in ER modeling and how to design a database: It is very important to stick to normalization and best practices.  Two common errors in ER modeling include data anomalies and redundant data. Lets assume we have a table named EMPLOYEE_V1 that requires you to input who an...
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Whether it is or is not realistic to have a data center depends on the size of your organization and the business goals. Lets be honest here, data centers can be a headache to keep up. There are countless articles published that mention the headaches that companies go through with data centers. More specifically they...
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The following is my personal opinion on MySQL I hope you find this post to be useful as this was the first application I used when learning SQL and database management. MySQL workbench is a good tool to use for an ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram). For starters, they offer an diagram Editor that allows you...
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The following post is an outline on the options you can take to rescue a troubled IT project. This post is something you can apply to your everyday job if you are a project manager. The five options are as follows: Reschedule work plan You can reschedule the project to see if you can still...
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In the world of healthcare and interoperability you probably have been hearing the term “FHIR” a lot recently. Actually pronounced “FIRE”, FHIR stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources. At a high level, it is a standard that describes data formats, its elements and an API for exchanging electronic health records. It was created by the...
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The following is a quick post on how to interpret Database Corruption. More specifically, we will be looking at SQL Server. Sql Server is Microsoft’s popular database engine that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to accept requests for data access. There are many types of corruption that can occur. Corruption usually occurs when there is...
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Whether you are looking to go back to school or take a class or two, online courses is an option that most schools will offer you during this day and age. The following is a my personal opinion on Online Courses, its disruptiveness and some advantages/disadvantages from both sides of the equation (teachers & students. Likely...
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