Tech Joke: The Biggest Lie

What is the biggest lie you consistently tell without noticing?
"I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions"

We are all guilty of being in a such a rush to read an article or use a service that we quickly click and accept the famed “Terms and Conditions” without even giving it a glance. While most times this is fine, do you truly understand why websites have this agreement and the significant importance that it holds?

For starters, let’s clear up the difference between “Privacy Policy” and “Terms and Conditions”. If a website is collecting personal data from its users (e.g. first name, last name, email address, etc.) then it is required by law to have a Privacy Policy. This policy is supposed to inform its users how it intends on using their information. On the other hand, the “Terms and Conditions” is an agreement that outlines the regulations a user has to follow to use a service. Other names for this are “Terms of Service” or “Disclaimer”. Remember the user MUST agree to this agreement before using a website with a service.

Now, why is it important for you to read the Terms and Conditions? Exactly like I implied above, it is a binding contract you are executing with another party. It is always good practice to read all agreements/contracts before you enter into them. Although it may appear unlikely that a website is trying to fool you into agreeing to something malicious, you should still take precautions to make sure of it. Rest assured that most companies actually write these agreements to protect themselves. It allows them to prevent abuses of their services, own their content (or even yours sometimes!), terminate accounts when needed, and limit all liabilities that could arise.

Hopefully this information will encourage you to glance at the “Terms and Conditions” the next time you are agreeing to them. You never know what you might find!