2 Easy Security Policies to Implement In an Organization

Are you worried about the security policies in your organization? Whether you are strapped for resources or have no idea where to begin, I will quickly outline two security polices that should be relatively easy to implement.

I think it is very important to outline security policies for your organization because lets face it, most major security breaches are due to internal employees. I am generally a big fan of Security Awareness Programs for this very reason.

I am going to highlight on of the policies below for a major re

Suggested Security Policies

  • Password Policies
    • The following are the password recommended directly by Salesforce:
      • Password expiration – Passwords should be set to expire no greater than 90 days, thus requiring users to reset their passwords in that time.
      • Password length – Passwords should be required to be at a minimum length of 8-10 characters
      • Password complexity – Users should be required to include a mix of alpha and numeric characters in their passwords.
      • Users should be told not to include common words in their passwords, such as “password” or names, etc.
      • Users should be told not to reuse passwords on multiple accounts, as they can compromise one or more than one of their accounts.
      • Users should be directed not to share their passwords with anyone, either online or in person.
  • Educate User’s About Phishing
    • Leverage a Security Awareness Program that teaches the following fundamentals:
      • Do not click on links or attachments from emails that appear suspicious.
      • Do not open suspicious emails.