
Ravel Charles
Congratulations! You have finally built your website after what feels like hours (or even days) of planning and executing. So now what? Its time to make sure that your website is working as expected and is presenting your material in the most effective manner. If you are paying to host your website and you have...
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What do you call it when you have your Grandma on speed dial? Instagram! (Insta[nt] Gra[ndma]) The story of Instagram is one of the best Silicon Valley stories to read and one of my personal favorites. The Instagram application took 8 weeks to be created and launched on the app store. About 18 months later,...
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Let’s face it, all organizations should have an incident response plan in place in case the unthinkable happens. It’s a no brainer these days considering how savvy attackers are becoming. Responding to the incident is only part of the equation. The other part is figuring out how to avoid another incident like it again? To...
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Technology has evolved to be a critical component of any organizations performance.  As the rate of change of technology accelerates, it creates opportunities for organizations to innovate and disrupt in order to create a competitive advantage, and advance the industry as a whole. Although not far behind the times, the healthcare industry is beginning to...
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The following post is about how I developed an application named Content Aggregator, utilizing Python and various API’s, that aims to simplify the curation and vetting of online publications and content. The Problem – Too Much to Choose From With the abundance of online sources and social media, deciding on what you should read when...
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The following post is about how I developed an application named Sentiment Analyzer, utilizing Python, that aims to quantify the reaction and perception of an audience towards a subject using a popular social media platform. The Problem – How Does My Audience Feel? Understanding how people feel on a given subject can be challenging without...
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The following post is about how I developed an application named Medgibility, utilizing Python and various API’s, that aims to promote cost transparency to consumers in healthcare. The Problem – The cost of your healthcare is not transparent or readily available.  According to a study published by JAMA Internal Medicine, surprise out-of-network billing and related...
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My Computer Suddenly Started Singing “Someone Like You.” Turns out, my computer was a Dell (Adele). If you do not know much about Dell, here is your chance to learn about it. A student at the University of Texas, Michael Dell, founded Dell in 1984. At that time it was called “PC’s Limited”.  He was...
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My friend just got fired from their job at the keyboard factory the other day. They told him he was not putting in enough SHIFTS. Did you know that the shift key originated from the typewriter. Originally you had to press and hold your desired letter button to shift up the case stamp to be...
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Thanks to autocorrect, some children asked for SATAN Claus this Christmas. Not sure what that looks like but autocorrect has become their worst ENEMA. Let’s face it, autocorrect has its pros and cons. Sometimes it can be a life saver and other times it can destroy your hopes and dreams. In general, autocorrect has given...
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