Operating Systems – Apple

This post is a overview of the operating systems powered by Apple. I hope this information serves you well in your understanding of operating systems.

Launched for consumers in 2001 by Apple, it was actually conceived much earlier and was the first ever successful graphical-based operating system. If any of you have heard of Steve Jobs then you would already have heard of OS X. Just like before, let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages that OS X has.

Let’s start with advantages again. Mac’s, which OS X only runs on, are less less likely to get viruses due to its lower market share. To put this in perspective, put yourself in the attackers shoes. Are you going to create an attack on an OS that is not the most popular? If you are trying to cause the most damage you will obviously aim for the one with the larger market share. Second, OS X is very convenient for people with other Apple products. You can share pictures, messages, videos and more between devices much easier than with a PC. These Apple devices include iPads, iWatches, iPhones, AppleTV and much more. Lastly, each OS X release always includes inclusion of advanced technology. This year, new Macbook Pro which features a new version of the OS includes biometrics. The biometric feature is a finger scan similar to that of the iPhone. In general Apple prides itself in being innovative.

In terms of disadvantages, OS X and its devices are much more expensive than its competitors. As mentioned above, OS X only runs on Apple devices which is not very convenient. Lastly, few programs and applications were developed for OS X. Today, most applications are being created for both but in general OS X had less compatibility with many applications. Most notable were the Office Applications which most businesses require their workers to know how to use.