Personal Opinion: MySQL

The following is my personal opinion on MySQL I hope you find this post to be useful as this was the first application I used when learning SQL and database management.

MySQL workbench is a good tool to use for an ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram). For starters, they offer an diagram Editor that allows you to create any number of physical schemata. Each diagram has a tab below the toolbar that can assist you in creating the diagram.

They are able to provide modeling that simplifies database design and maintenance. They enable the user to visualize requirements and resolve design issues. As mentioned on their website, model-driven database design is an efficient methodology for creating valid and well-performing databases, while providing flexibility to respond to evolving data requirements. Models are used to build ER diagrams and physical databases.

MySQL workbench also provides the the following capabilities:

  • Create and manipulate a model graphically
  • Reverse engineer a live database to a model
  • Forward engineer a model to a script or live database update
  • Create and edit tables and insert data.

I would highly recommend using this tool to learn more about databases and to even build one out on your own.