Personal Opinion: Uber as a Disruptive Technology

The following is my opinion on whether or not Uber is a disruptive technology. I hope you enjoy the read.

Uber first came into the scene by launching a product that was truly disruptive. Disruptive technology can be defined as any enhanced or completely new technology that replaces and disrupts an existing technology, rendering it obsolete. Their product is a ride-sharing app that allows regular car owners to pick up passengers and take them to their destinations without paying in cash.  Uber do not have to own any cars, they simply infiltrate any location with licensed car owners who passed a background check and are insured.

This product is disruptive in the sense that it changes the way people use taxis and car services. It is very convenient for riders as all they need to do is access the app, click a button and an Uber car will pull up, pick them up and take them to their locations. There is no need for a phone call to summon a ride.  Also, passengers can also track the location of the car, their trip and the associated fare. Today, people pretty much use Uber for all their domestic travel. This includes going out, going to work, going to school, etc. Evidently, this product angers the taxi community and even inspires law changes in different states.

Recently, Uber was featured in the news, not for its successful business, but for plagiarizing the self-driving car idea. They are being sued by Google.  By investing in the self-driving car, Uber will be again disruptive in the industry. They will be able to generate more revenue as they will no longer have to pay drivers and can truly have a 24 hours a day service. However, with this investment comes many ethical questions that need to be answered.