
Congratulations! You have finally built your website after what feels like hours (or even days) of planning and executing. So now what? Its time to make sure that your website is working as expected and is presenting your material in the most effective manner. If you are paying to host your website and you have...
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Let’s face it, all organizations should have an incident response plan in place in case the unthinkable happens. It’s a no brainer these days considering how savvy attackers are becoming. Responding to the incident is only part of the equation. The other part is figuring out how to avoid another incident like it again? To...
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The following is a quick post about transport protocols. Whether you are a network engineer or a systems analyst, it is important to understand how data is transferred from system to system. I will be covering SSL and SSH in this post. SSH stands for Secure Shell and is a protocol that allows people to...
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The following is a quick post that outlines the Man in the Middle Attack. With technology evolving as fast as it does, it is important to understand the most popular attacks that exist out there. The issue with HTTP is that eavesdroppers can intercept your messages. This is problematic when it comes to sending confidential...
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A variety of hats are worn in the network security world and these include Blue Hats, White Hats, Grey Hats and Black Hats. Each hat group represents a specific hacking group that serves a different purpose in security.  A hacker is formally defined as a person who illegally gains access to and sometimes tampers with...
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The following is my personal opinion on what the most popular healthcare attacks based on past events. Over the last couple of years, the most popular healthcare attacks  reported include: Denial of Service, Patient Data Theft, Asset Damage Attacks, and Therapy Manipulation Attacks. Here is how each of them fare against the proposed security model....
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Are you worried about the security policies in your organization? Whether you are strapped for resources or have no idea where to begin, I will quickly outline two security polices that should be relatively easy to implement. I think it is very important to outline security policies for your organization because lets face it, most...
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The following is my personal opinion and experience on the importance of limiting data redundancies and increasing data integrity. The reason why we want a very good database design is to minimize data redundancies and maximize data integrity. In general, data redundancies refer to whether the data in each record is unique. Integrity on the...
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The following is a very quick post on the security risks between open source and closed sourced software. I hope you find this post to be useful in deciding which type of software you should use in your organization. Open source software is software which is available to the public via Internet download and agreement...
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The following is my personal opinion on the controversial WikiLeaks situation. Considering that its been 7 years since actions have been taken against WikiLeaks, I will be covering my thoughts on whether or not they are justified. Introduction The following case study highlights actions taken by and against WikiLeaks since September 2011. More specifically, the...
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