
Congratulations! You have finally built your website after what feels like hours (or even days) of planning and executing. So now what? Its time to make sure that your website is working as expected and is presenting your material in the most effective manner. If you are paying to host your website and you have...
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Technology has evolved to be a critical component of any organizations performance.  As the rate of change of technology accelerates, it creates opportunities for organizations to innovate and disrupt in order to create a competitive advantage, and advance the industry as a whole. Although not far behind the times, the healthcare industry is beginning to...
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The following is a quick post on identifying pitfalls in cost estimation when managing a project. I personally find this concept very useful in my everyday job. At the end, I will provide a little tip that I learned in graduate school. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me! Poorly Defined...
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The following is a quick post that will outline the importance of quality insurance in project management. I hope this is a concept you can carry with you in your everyday job. An important tool for quality assurance is a quality audit. There are many different types of audits. For example, there is financial audit,...
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The following is a quick post on the differences between UNIX and LINUX. I hope you find this useful as many people are confused by these concepts. Unix is a multitasking, multiuser operating system created by AT&T. UNIX is one of the most used server operating system and is almost entirely written in the C...
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In this post we will be discussing CASE Tools. This post is meant to be a high level overview and will touch on topics such as advantages and disadvantages. Three common CASE Tools are Information Engineering Facility (IEF), Information Engineering Workbench(IEW) and Oracle Designer. The IEF tool, now named CA Gen is marketed by CA...
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A database is formally defined as any collection of data, or information that is specially organized for rapid search and retrieval by a computer. To help explain how a database is created, I will be referencing firsthand experience in creating a Relational Database. For this example, I will be using a waterfall development model, where...
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The following is a quick post in regards to deadlocking. In particular, we will be discussing Oracle and how to control deadlocking. Oracle has a DBMS that can process database transactions. Deadlocking occurs when two or more transactions wait indefinitely for the other to release the lock on a previously locked data item. It is...
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The following is my personal opinion on Uber and it’s ethics. Feel free to reach out to me directly if you will like to further this discussion. Although businesses exist to earn a profit, they also have fundamental responsibilities to the community. They must make decisions that are for the greater good of the community...
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The following is quick  post on Oracle and its Data Mining capabilities. I hope you find this useful when deciding whether or not to use Oracle for this function. Oracle Data MIning (ODM)  is an option that is part of Oracle’s Relational Database Management Systems Enterprise Edition. Oracle primarily specialized in developing and marketing database...
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